
The Superhero Project is dedicated to bringing further attention to Superhero studies through diverse voices across the world. In addition to the annual Superhero Conference, The Superhero Project are proud to host three different avenues for publishing. Super Cultures, The Superhero Journal and our own guest editorial pieces The Watchtower. All three are currently in production, with each serving a different purpose.

The flag ship text of our organization, the first volume functions as both a developed conference proceedings, as well as an edited collection with distinct thematic groupings that provides a snapshot of contemporary scholarship relating to one of the most popular genres of fiction in the world, from an internationally diverse array of academic, Super Cultures is intended to be the primary and ongoing publishing outcome of the conference.

The introductory volume is co-edited by Danny Graydon and Torsten Caeners, with a spectacular array of chapters:

More information will follow shortly, though this first edition is sure to be a spectacular read!

The Superhero Journal

The Superhero Journal is currently in production. An editorial board, consisting of many hard hitting academics has been assembled, so expect to hear more soon!

Intended as an alternative avenue for publication, the Online Showcase shows off the academic work of our members that is not featured in either the Superhero Journal or Super Cultures. While all relate to Superhero study, you will find a broad mixture of ideas by talented and passionate writers. Each of these papers are edited by our Steering Group, but bring something wholly unique to the field.

We encourage delegates and members alike to submit peices based on ongoing research. As the Superhero Project's core intent is to promote and further the field of Superhero research, we will be looking to add to this frequently. All papers will have the option to either be free to all, or only available to Superhero Project members.

To submit for The Watchtower, please email or with the subject title ONLINE SHOWCASE. More information to follow.